Putting the Constitutional arguments against our newest war aside for a second, lets take a second to examine who we might be aiding in the Libyan Rebel Force. Like many, I like to believe in the good of all mankind. However, as history has shown, not all mankind is good.
As Mark Steyn so eloquently puts it here "one of the great delusions of our age — that there are bad governments but no bad peoples. “Not all Germans were Nazis” — but enough were and enough of the rest strung along that the qualification is irrelevant. Not all Afghans are Taliban — but the real problem in that wretched land is not “the Afghan government” but the Afghan people. A dozen pages of a Flashman yarn has a sounder grasp of the Afghan psyche than nine years of multilateral “nation-building.” Which is why we’re going round and round in circles in an almighty Groundhogistan where a man gets sentenced to death for converting to Christianity under a court system created, funded, and protected by us."
Mr. Steyn continues, "In the Middle East, likewise: There are bad governments but no bad peoples. One hopes that in his involuntary retirement the unlovely Mubarak, who sold himself to successive U.S. administrations as a restraint on the darker impulses of his citizenry, retains enough of a sense of humor to appreciate posterity’s little jest. Even as one of their own (Lara Logan of CBS) was sexually assaulted by a gang of 200 in Tahrir Square in the very hour of the tyrant’s fall, the Western media assured us that this was “the Facebook revolution.” Ninety-one percent of Egyptian women have undergone female genital mutilation. Not a lot of that on Facebook."
My liberal counterpart Dose of Sanity probably cringed in disgust as he read those quotes from Mark. Yet, I don't think this is a time that America can afford to let political correctness cloud our judgment on who or what forces we are aiding in the 3 wars the US is currently involved in.
For example, it turns out Mark has hit the nail on the head, once again, if the the NATO Commander's intellegence reports are correct.
From the report the Commander gave to Congress, Libya's rebel forces have shown "flickers" of an al Qaeda or Hezbollah presence but opposition leaders appear "responsible."
While the Commander's report wasn't exactly dire, an analysis done by the Combating Terrorism Center of West Point which was based on the records captured by coalition forces in October 2007 in a raid near Sinjar, along Iraq’s Syrian border would seem to point towards what could be a much, much more dire outcome.
Unlike the main stream media in the US, the Asian Tribune has published the findings of the West Point report. It paints a very scary picture. [Note: The feature picture for this article is from the West Point report]
West Point's documents reveal that Libya sent more fighters to Iraq’s Islamic militancy on a per-capita basis than any other Muslim country, including Saudi Arabia. Perhaps more alarmingly, most of the fighters came from eastern Libya, the center of the current uprising against Muammar el-Qaddafi.
I very much doubt that all of the rebels fall into the "Islamic Militancy" category. However, the question must be asked, are we actually aiding a group of fighters that have American blood on their hands?
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